Using Revenue Model Gate Stages using-revenue-model-gate-stages

A gate stage serves as a qualification check.

It’s a great idea to create a practice model in a graphics or presentation program and confirm it with your colleagues.

Add A Gate Stage add-a-gate-stage

  1. Go to the Analytics area.

  2. Select an existing model, or create a new one.

  3. Click Edit Draft.

  4. Click the Gate button, then drag and drop anywhere in the canvas.

  5. Edit the Name and select a Type.

    note note
    Select Start Tracking by Account at this time to gain insight into the performance of your accounts as they progress through your model.

The Gate Stage splits leads based on criteria you enter in the transition rules; it does not hold leads. A default transition is required so that leads that aren’t chosen by the other transitions end up going through the default.

Edit a Gate Stage edit-a-gate-stage

Edit the Name, Description, and adjust the Type of your Gate stage. You can also opt to Start Tracking by Account.

  1. Click a Gate stage icon.

  2. Click within the Name and Description fields to edit their content.

  3. Select the Type drop-down to edit.

Delete A Gate Stage delete-a-gate-stage

  1. You may delete a Gate Stage by right-clicking the Gate stage icon and selecting Delete.

  2. You may also delete a Gate stage by clicking it, then in the Stage Actions drop-down, selecting Delete.

  3. Both methods of deletion ask you to confirm your choice. Click Delete.

Congrats! Now you understand the wonderful world of Gate Stages.
