Create a Salesforce Priority Call Report with Sales Connect Data create-a-salesforce-priority-call-report-with-sales-connect-data

Learn how to create a Salesforce report/call list using Sales Connect email engagement data to focus on the people or opportunities with momentum.

  1. Go to the SFDC Report Tab.
  2. Create a Report with “Tasks and Events.”
  3. Set your filters and choose a date range.
  4. Drag Sales Connect data into your columns by typing “Marketo Sales” into the field search. Once you add Sales Connect data, add a column for Phone Number so you can take action on this report and use it as a call list.
  5. Run the report and sort by Sales Connect Events Tracked. This will bubble up the people with the most activity on your emails. Make sure you either have the next steps planned with these top people or make them a priority that day. There is likely momentum with a high number.