Create a Segment Using a Static List create-a-segment-using-a-static-list

Segment known web visitors when they visit your website based on if they’re in or not in one of your Marketo static lists.

  1. Go to Segments.

  2. Click Create New.

  3. Enter a segment Name.

  4. In Known Leads, drag Static Lists over to the canvas.

  5. Click the drop-down to select is or is not (depending on what you want), and type in the name of your static list.

  6. If you want to add multiple lists, you need to create a new line for each one by clicking the +. If you only want one list, skip to Step 8.

  7. For multiple lists (or multiple “is not” lists), repeat the steps you learned in Step 5.

    note note
    The and/or drop-down is just that. Click it to select and, or, or and/or.
  8. Click Save to save the segment or Save & Define Campaign to save and go to the Campaigns page.
