Managing Tag Values managing-tag-values

Tags are used to describe programs. You can make as many as you need, each with unique values. Here’s how to manage those values.

Admin Permissions Required

Adding Tag Values adding-tag-values

  1. Go to the Admin area.

  2. Click Tags.

  3. Click New, then New Tag Value.

  4. Select the Tag Type.

  5. Enter a Value and click Add Another. You can add as many values as you’d like.

  6. Add the remaining values and click Create.

You should see the changes immediately!

Hiding Tag Values hiding-tag-values

Tags might be used by old programs. You can deprecate them for future use by hiding the tag type.

  1. Select the Tag and select the Value you want to hide.

  2. Under Tag Actions, select Hide.

Show Hidden Values show-hidden-values

If you want to see your hidden values again, do the following:

  1. Select the Show Hidden checkbox. Once checked, you can see the hidden value.

You can then unhide the values you would like to use in the future.
